
Wednesday, 28 May 2008

My first attempt at participating in Mrs Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday...

S is for Swarovski, my favourite bling, and here are my two gorgeous Swarovski pendants from my equally lovely other half:

This red heart was a present for my 30th birthday this year

And this silver one was another birthday present two years ago

See more S photos at Mrs Nesbitt's place.

Sunday, 11 May 2008


Well, I'm still not sure I've got anything interesting to say, but I thought I should add something else here...

Actually, I thought I'd quickly explain the title - it's a line from my favourite Manics song, the same one I get my screenname from, but it also seems to sum things up quite nicely. I have neither the time nor the money to be as high maintenance as I'd like, but still seem to spend far too much of both on trying - truly futile, as the women I'm attempting to keep up with, even those within my office, are paid a lot more than me and can afford to get their hair done more than 2 or 3 times a year! It also reminds me of the slogan on a t-shirt I bought years ago - "I wanna be just like Barbie, that bitch has everything!"

And when I say I have nothing much interesting to say, that's kind of why - I can talk about shoes for hours, I can tell you all the best shops in Cardiff, and I have more red lipsticks than I can even count, but although I have plenty of opinions on things I tend to keep them to myself. That's a survival thing in a way - I learnt a long time ago that if you have controversial opinions on anything, it's best not to share them in an office as you still have to work with those people... Also, apart from shouting at the telly during the news, I find it's best to try to ignore things I don't much like as getting worked up about them is another exercise in futility! I don't believe in politics as a means for changing things as I consider all parties to be equally rubbish - the only difference is it's only Labour that's robbed me recently... And that doesn't mean that I think the other lot (or the other other lot) wouldn't given the chance. I simply refuse to take the blame for electing any of them!

Saturday, 10 May 2008


Hmm... Not quite sure what I'm doing here, this is kind of experimental really. Blogging seems to be the in thing with the rest of the family at the moment, so I've sort of succumbed to peer pressure! It's very probable that this isn't going to get updated very often, as I don't think I have all that much to say...

I'm going to leave it there for now, while I have a look around and see what I should be doing with the rest of this thing.