
Saturday, 14 April 2012

Knitting for my mother-in-law

We'll gloss over this first one quite quickly, as it must be my most hated project ever - the backstory to this is that I took her to the Creative Stitches and Hobbycrafts show in Cardiff last autumn, and she spotted a sample cardigan hanging up in a booth which she wanted to buy.  I explained that it was only for display but then in a moment of selflessness said if she bought the yarn I'd do the knitting (she's not a knitter).  The yarn was really nasty to work with but I managed it in the end!

The second one was because she admired my Hockey scarf and was very impressed with the publication of my pattern, so I decided to reward her good taste by making her one for Christmas (lol)!  I made some modifications to the published pattern as detailed here on my Ravelry project page.


Dragonstar said...

It looks very smart. Mine's going to be rather more gaudy ;)

Little Baby Nothing said...

Gaudy is great, I don't suppose MIL would have appreciated it though - she's much more into her neutrals.

Dragonstar said...

Whereas I'm more flashy and blingy!!!